1. The Instructor was Prepared


Total: 6

2. The handouts were appropriate for this course and can be used as a resource.

 Very Useful
 Somewhat Useful
 Not very Useful

Total: 6

3. The most beneficial part of the sharepoint website I created was

 Information for parents about how to contact me, my schedule, class rules and grading scale.
 Information for parents in a newsletter
 Information for parents in a site about each particular class I teach.
 All of the above.
 Information for parents about how to contact me, my schedule, class rules and grading scale.; Information for parents in a site about each particular class I teach.
 Information for parents about how to contact me, my schedule, class rules and grading scale.; Information for parents in a newsletter

Total: 6

4. I will be able to go back and edit sharepoint very easily after this course.


Total: 6

5. I will try to use a web 2.0 blog, wiki or discussion board in my room,


Total: 6

6. I will try to use a wall such as wall wisher or primary wall as a web 2 activity with my class and design a wall to use in class for

 I will possibly use this. Right now, though, I have so much going on in the writing processes that it may be hard to add something new.

Total: 2

7. I like the picture slide show we put on the sharepoint classroom site and will update this at a minimum of quarterly.


Total: 6

8. The most rewarding part of this workshop was...

 Getting a working website up and running.
 Got to make a cool website!
 How easily it will be for parents to stay informed on classroom activities and important information.
 Getting the whole site set up and learning to put useful items on the site that students will be excited about and utilize.
 I got a good start on pages and learned many new tools that I need time to play with. I especially liked the discussion board, video uploads, wordels, and the chance to include pictures.
 being able to work on my website on my own was very rewarding! I also really like putting information in one spot, in an organized way.

Total: 6

9. The most frustrating part of this workshop was...

 Knowing if I will be able to keep up the website and add new things like I'd like to. I appreciate the handouts and will try to use them, but some parts are kind of complicated for my simple technical mind.
 Taking notes and hoping I can understand them later! :)
 Hoping my notes and the cheat sheets are user friendly.
 I need more time to work my way through ideas. There is such a wealth of different things so I will try to go back through and master them.
 Remembering the step-by-step procedures...Thank goodness for hand-outs!

Total: 5

10. The level of difficulty of this workshop was

Too Easy
Just Right
Too Hard for Me

Total: 6

11. Did you like embedding a youtube video on your site and is this something useful for your students to view?

 Won't use this

Total: 6

12. The sharepoint site was easy to login to


Total: 6

13. Sharepoint Calendars are something I will use in my website


Total: 6